Fresh GIS builds are brought to you by ‘Borsch’, yummy packaging system from NextGIS (Github, blog, FOSS4G presentation).
Many C/C++ GIS libraries are usually built via autoconf/make/nmake/VC. While this is valid approach, we believe there is a better new alternative — CMake. NextGIS Borsch is a new build system that is a) easier to use, b) better solves dependencies and c) provides more uniform way of building packages. Needed dependencies are automatically fetched from repositories. We’ve built an early prototype of such system and tested if on GDAL build process (over 50 core dependent libraries). Now a developer with only three lines of code in CMakeLists.txt for any project he is working on can add dependent GIS library. If needed library exists in the system the build system will use it, if not — it will be downloaded from Github. Our new build system works for both Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Here we provide some of the results built by Borsch. Please let us know how it works for you. Enjoy!
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nextgis/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal